What Most Clients Don’t Know About DJ Brisbane

Unfortunately, most people don’t know much about DJ Brisbane. Kindly read on to learn more about these professionals. You’ll need this information to make the right decision when hiring a disc jockey.

Facts about Disc Jockeys Brisbane

We’ll reveal a few facts about these music experts that only few people know. Below is a list of some of these facts that nobody else will tell you.

    • Certified: most of these DJs have pursued a DJ course and passed. That explains why clients opt to hire them for entertainment services.
  • Price: more often than not, these experts offer an hourly rate. Therefore, a client pays them depending on the total hours they spend entertaining your guests. Understandably, the more the number of hours, the higher the payable amount.
  • DJ equipment: how much equipment do you know? Technically, a DJ setup has multiple items such as mixers, speakers, and a hard drive. Please do not hire any entertainer without these.
  • Types of DJs: today, there are different types of disc jockeys that you can hire. For instance, we have club DJs, radio disc jockeys, to mention but just a few. Therefore, you need to know the kind you need during Brisbane DJ hire.

DJ Brisbane

How to Identify a Fake Disc Jockey

You might have heard heart-breaking stories of people that were conned by fake disc jockeys. Below are helpful tips on how to identify a fake DJ.

  • License: in most cases, such disc jockeys do not have a business permit. If they have one, then it’s likely that’s counterfeit. That explains why you need to demand to see this document.
  • No samples: secondly, such an entertainer may not have a work sample. Professional entertainers can quickly provide past work such as live recording. Most clients rely on samples to gauge how suitable a given DJ is.
  • DJ equipment: more often than not, fake disc jockeys do not have the necessary equipment. On the contrary, a professional DJ even has a back-up set. For this reason, a client can bank on them for the best entertainment.
  • Music genre: most fake entertainers are not familiar with different genres of music. Therefore, a client can effortlessly identify them when they interview them.

Finally, clients must be extra cautious when hiring a DJ Brisbane. The unfortunate reality is that there are a few fake DJs in the market. That’s why you need to demand a few documents such as a license and a DJ course certificate.