Selecting The Richmond Hill Photographer Is Now Easier

You’ve set the date, booked the Church and the Reception Hall, and now it’s time to select your Richmond Hill photographer which is quite easier. Whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap that some unfortunate Bride and Grooms do by enlisting a friend or relative to take their wedding photographs. Remember, this is a once in a lifetime event that can’t be repeated, and unless the person you’ve selected to capture your special memories is photographing weddings every week, chances are pretty good they simply don’t have the expertise or equipment to do the job properly. 

You’ve already spent a fortune on your dress, the flowers, the banquet hall, and everything else that makes the day so special, so it simply does not make sense to not get a professional photographer to look after your photographic needs for the day. If a friend or relative offers their services to you as their photographer, and unless they have wedding photography experience, it is best to use them only as a “second photographer” on the day of the wedding.

What to consider when hiring a photographer?

  • One of the first things to consider is the style and perfect angles of photography. Do you prefer candid shots, the more traditional photography where the photographer controls everything from posing to lighting, the uncandid candid where the photographer has made the pose look natural, so that it looks completely unposed, or almost candid, or a combination of all styles? 


  • It is very important that you are clear with your photographer about which style of photography that you prefer, otherwise you may be disappointed in the results. When visiting various photographers, be sure to see works from a complete wedding, rather than samples from many weddings. This will give you a good idea of the style of photography that the photographer prefers, as well as a good indication of the photographer’s talents and expertise in lighting.


  • In photography, as with any other product or service, you generally get what you pay for. There is usually a good reason why one photographer will charge more for what appears to basically be the same thing. There may be hidden costs involved, such as mileage, or a number of hours of coverage, or limits on the number of photos taken that day. 


  • One Richmond Hill photographer may have much experience and expertise in covering all types of events through a camera. Some photographers simply charge less because they take wedding photographs as a part-time hobby and work full time at another unrelated job.